fixture - определение. Что такое fixture
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Что (кто) такое fixture - определение

Fixtures; Fixture (disambiguation)

['f?kst??, -tj?]
¦ noun
1. a piece of equipment or furniture which is fixed in position in a building or vehicle.
(fixtures) articles attached to a house or land and considered legally part of it so that they normally remain in place when an owner moves. Compare with fitting (in sense 2).
2. informal a person or thing that is well established in a place or situation.
3. Brit. a sporting event which takes place on a particular date.
C16: alt. (first found in Shakespeare) of obs. fixure (from late L. fixura, from L. figere 'to fix'), with t inserted on the pattern of mixture.
Fixtures are pieces of furniture or equipment, for example baths and sinks, which are fixed inside a house or other building and which stay there if you move.
...a detailed list of what fixtures and fittings are included in the purchase price.
N-COUNT: usu pl
A fixture is a sports event which takes place on a particular date. (BRIT)
City won this fixture 3-0 last season.
If you describe someone or something as a fixture in a particular place or occasion, you mean that they always seem to be there.
She was a fixture in New York's nightclubs...
The cordless kettle may now be a fixture in most kitchens.
N-COUNT: usu N in n
n. a lighting; plumbing; shop (esp. BE), store (esp. AE) fixture



A fixture can refer to:

  • Test fixture, used to control and automate testing
  • Light fixture
  • Plumbing fixture
  • Fixture (tool), a tool used in manufacturing
  • Fixture (property law)
  • A type of sporting event
Примеры произношения для fixture
1. bases, the light fixture.
Charles Phan _ Vietnamese Home Cooking _ Talks at Google
2. there's that wonderful Lagos' fixture,
3. is a fixture in popular intelligentsia
Genuine Fakes - How Phony Things Teach Us About Real Stuff _ Lydia Pyne _ Talks at Google
4. bones snapping. A light fixture shattered.
One Amazing Thing _ Chitra Divakaruni _ Talks at Google
5. this is a light fixture for Swarovski,
Примеры употребления для fixture
1. The fixture was thrown into doubt and Premier League officials visited Tottenham‘s team hotel to assess the situation before it was announced that the fixture would proceed.
2. Nehama was a household fixture and saw these things.
3. He can play in the Wellington fixture," said Woodward.
4. Bailey was a familiar fixture on the local news scene.
5. This year Ibiza Rocks has become an important fixture.